Friday, December 27, 2013

Day 361) New Year nails champagne

New Year has to start with a popping bottle of champagne!
I'm not really a fan of expensive champagne but I do love sparkling wine (the cheaper version) and some have a cork so we can still pop it ;D

Here are my champagne nails.
All free handed except for the ring finger nail; this is a water decal.


  1. ♥ cheers dear ! live this bottle how it is look like ! well done !♥

  2. Your creativity has no limit ! And same goes for your talent !

    1. Thank you so much. That's a huge compliment! ♥

  3. Not one who drinks, but I do take sips of wine. And ample sparkling juice! Never touched champagne in my life before. Hahahaha!! Anyway, love the nail art! You know, you do wonderful works, I'd even believe you if you said your drew the HNY words XD
