Saturday, November 16, 2013

Day 320) Bright December moon is beaming...

Today Sinterklaas had his arrival to the Netherlands.
We've been watching a bit on TV and went to town to see his arrival there as well.
I couldn't go without Sinterklaas nails.
So here is another Sinterklaas nail art.
This one is inspired by a Sinterklaas song the children sing.

I have a quite literal translation of this song in English:

See the moon shines through the trees,
Mates, stop your wild roars.
The delightful evening has arrived.
the evening of Sinterklaas.
Full with expectations beats our heart,
who'll gets the cake, who'll gets the whisk.
Full with expectations beats our heart,
who'll gets the cake, who'll gets the whisk.

But a more correct translation would be (according to an English digital school):

Bright December moon is beaming
Boys and girls now stop your play!
For tonight’s the wondrous evening,
Eve of good St Nicholas Day.
O’er the roofs his horse unshod
Bring us gifts or else the rod.
O’er the roofs his horse unshod
Bring us gifts or else the rod.

Well, enough about the song.
I've painted an evening with moon and tree and houses.
This is simular to the images that go with the song.


  1. Beautiful! It's a perfect night scene :-)

  2. Hehe, lovely night scene! I actually prefer your version of direct translate! Haha! Because I can almost picture the girls and boys all eagerly awaits their gifts from your descriptions! :D Ah how wonderful! Hopefully they have been good so they won't be disappointed :) ♥

    1. My children (who were naughty sometimes) weren't disappointed.
      If it's not my nails that break on toys it will be my neck someday ;P
